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Prof. Philippe Dondon, ENSEIRB-MATMECA, École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique, Talence, Cedex, France
Prof. Nikos Bardis, Military Institutions of University Education (ASEI), Hellenic Army Academy, Vari, Attica, Greece
Prof. Giovanni Fulantelli, National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Educational Technologies Palermo, Italy
Prof. Cathy H. Qi, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Prof. Sara De Freitas, Coventry University, UK
Prof. Toshio Okamoto, The University of Electro-Communications, UEC & KCG, Japan
Prof. Xiang Bai, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Konstantinos G. Arvanitis, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Prof. Cornelia Aida Bulucea, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania
Prof. Alexander Gegov, University of Portsmouth, UK
Prof. Imre Rudas, Obuda University, Hungary


Basic Science in Engineering Education, Continuing Education & Its Delivery, Engineering Education Reforms, International Recognition of Qualifications, Studies in Engineering and the needs of the Production and Market, New Technologies in Education, Industry and Education Collaboration, Research and Education, Globalisation in engineering education. Challences and problems, Management of engineering education. Know-how in engineering education, Environment and engineering education, Mobility of Scholars, European Integration and Engineering Education, Computers, Internt, Multimedia in Engineering Education, National Technical Chambers and National Societies in Engineering Education, International Organizations and Engineering Education, New Changes and Challenges in Engineering Education, New Changes and Challenges in Teaching in Technical Universities, Organization of Laboratories, Private Education and State Education, Management of Educational Institutes, Relations between teachers and students, Minorities in Education, Foreign Students' problems in Educational Institutes, What is the role of retired professors and emeritus professors in Education?, Methodologies in examinations and relevant problems, Examinations and Tests via Internet, Professors' Elections and promotions in the Universities, Awards and Education, Psycological Aspects, Athletics and Social Activities in Higher Education, Research and development in Engineering Education, Resourses and Funds in Engineering Education, Technical design of didactical tools, Sustainable development education,